Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
SQL Server 2005 Backup Error Messages
Severity level 10 messages are informational and indicate problems caused by mistakes in the information you have entered. Severity levels from 11 through 16 are generated by the user, and can be corrected by the user.
Severity levels from 17 through 25 indicate software or hardware errors (Please find the below update error messages).
We have to inform the system administrator whenever problems that generate errors with severity levels 17 and higher than it. The system administrator must resolve these errors and track their frequency. When a level 17, 18, or 19 errors occur, we can continue working, although we might not be able to execute a particular statement.
Error Messages
select message_id, severity, [text] from sys.messages where language_id = 1033 and severity <> 10 and [text] like '%backup%'
Msg Id | Severity | Error Message |
20622 | 11 | Replication database option -sync with backup- cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple Recovery mode_ |
1411 | 16 | The remote copy of database -_*ls has not had enough log backups applied to roll forward all of its files to a common point in time_ |
1475 | 16 | Database mirroring cannot be enabled because the -_*ls database may have bulk logged changes that have not been backed up_ The last log backup on the principal must be restored on the mirror_ |
1478 | 16 | The mirror database, -_*ls, has insufficient transaction log data to preserve the log backup chain of the principal database_ This may happen if a log backup from the principal database has not been taken or has not been restored on the mirror database_ |
1833 | 16 | File _ls- cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation_ |
1931 | 16 | The SQL statement cannot be executed because filegroup __*ls- is offline_ Use the sys_database_files or sys_master_files catalog view to determine the state of the files in this filegroup and then restore the offline file(s) from backup_ |
2505 | 16 | The device __*ls- does not exist_ Use sys_backup_devices to show available devices_ |
2515 | 16 | Page -S_PGID, object ID -d, index ID -d, partition ID -I64d, alloc unit ID -I64d type -_*ls) has been modified but is not marked modified in the differential backup bitmap_ |
2516 | 16 | Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database -_*ls_ The differential backup chain is broken_ You must perform a full database backup before you can perform a differential backup_ |
2517 | 16 | Bulk-logging has been turned on for database -_*ls_ To ensure that all data has been secured, run backup log operations again_ |
3002 | 16 | Cannot BACKUP or RESTORE a database snapshot_ |
3004 | 16 | The primary filegroup cannot be backed up as a file backup because the database is using the SIMPLE recovery model_ Consider taking a partial backup by specifying READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS_ |
3006 | 16 | The differential backup is not allowed because it would be based on more than one base backup_ Multi-based differential backups are not allowed in the simple recovery model, and are never allowed for partial differential backups_ |
3007 | 16 | The backup of the file or filegroup -ls is not permitted because it is not online_ BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data_ |
3008 | 16 | The specified device type is not supported for backup mirroring_ |
3009 | 16 | Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database_ This may indicate a problem with the msdb database_ The backup/restore operation was still successful_ |
3010 | 16 | Invalid backup mirror specification_ All mirrors must have the same number of members_ |
3011 | 16 | All backup devices must be of the same general class (for example, DISK and TAPE)_ |
3016 | 16 | Backup of file _ls- is not permitted because it contains pages subject to an online restore sequence_ Complete the restore sequence before taking the backup, or restrict the backup to exclude this file_ |
3021 | 16 | Cannot perform a backup or restore operation within a transaction_ |
3023 | 16 | Backup and file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) on a database must be serialized_ Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed_ |
3024 | 16 | You can only perform a full backup of the master database_ Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database_ |
3033 | 16 | BACKUP DATABASE cannot be used on a database opened in emergency mode_ |
3035 | 16 | Cannot perform a differential backup for database -ls, because a current database backup does not exist_ Perform a full database backup by reissuing BACKUP DATABASE, omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option_ |
3038 | 16 | The file name -ls is invalid as a backup device name_ Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid file name_ |
3039 | 16 | Cannot perform a differential backup for file _ls- because a current file backup does not exist_ Reissue BACKUP DATABASE omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option_ |
3041 | 16 | BACKUP failed to complete the command -_*ls_ Check the backup application log for detailed messages_ |
3043 | 16 | BACKUP _ls- detected an error on page (-d:-d) in file _ls-_ |
3044 | 16 | Invalid zero-length device name_ Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid device name_ |
3045 | 16 | Differential BACKUP or RESTORE is not supported on the FAT file system_ The path -_*ls is not usable_ |
3046 | 16 | Inconsistent metadata has been encountered_ The only possible backup operation is a tail-log backup using the WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR or NO_TRUNCATE option_ |
3047 | 16 | The BackupDirectory registry key is not configured correctly_ This key should specify the root path where disk backup files are stored when full path names are not provided_ This path is also used to locate restart checkpoint files for RESTORE_ |
3048 | 16 | BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY cannot operate on database _ls- because it is configured for database mirroring_ |
3049 | 16 | BACKUP detected corruption in the database log_ Check the errorlog for more information_ |
3050 | 16 | SQL Server could not send the differential information for database file _ls- of database _ls\\-ls- to the backup application because the differential information is too large to fit in memory, and an attempt to use a temporary file has failed_ |
3051 | 16 | BACKUP LOG was unable to maintain mirroring consistency for database _ls-_ Database mirroring has been permanently suspended_ To resume mirroring, the existing mirroring configuration must be dropped and then re-established_ |
3054 | 16 | Differential file backups can include only read-only data for databases using the simple recovery model_ Consider taking a partial backup by specifying READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS_ |
3103 | 16 | A partial restore sequence cannot be initiated by this command_ To initiate a partial restore sequence, use the WITH PARTIAL clause of the RESTORE statement and provide a backup set which includes a full copy of at least the primary data file_ The WITH PARTIAL clause of the RESTORE statement may not be used for any other purpose_ |
3106 | 16 | The filegroup -ls is ambiguous_ The identity in the backup set does not match the filegroup that is currently defined in the online database_ To force the use of the filegroup in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command_ |
3107 | 16 | The file -ls is ambiguous_ The identity in the backup set does not match the file that is currently defined in the online database_ To force the use of the file in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command_ |
3109 | 16 | Master can only be restored and fully recovered in a single step using a full database backup_ Options such as NORECOVERY, STANDBY, and STOPAT are not supported_ |
3116 | 16 | The supplied backup is not on the same recovery path as the database, and is ineligible for use for an online file restore_ |
3117 | 16 | The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward_ |
3118 | 16 | The database -ls does not exist_ RESTORE can only create a database when restoring either a full backup or a file backup of the primary file_ |
3120 | 16 | This backup set will not be restored because all data has already been restored to a point beyond the time covered by this backup set_ |
3121 | 16 | The file -ls is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with application of this backup set_ RESTORE cannot continue_ |
3123 | 16 | Invalid database name __*ls- specified for backup or restore operation_ |
3125 | 16 | The database is using the simple recovery model_ The data in the backup it is not consistent with the current state of the database_ Restoring more data is required before recovery is possible_ Either restore a full file backup taken since the data was marked read-only, or restore the most recent base backup for the target data followed by a differential file backup_ |
3129 | 16 | The contents of the file -ls are not consistent with a transition into the restore sequence_ A restore from a backup set may be required_ |
3135 | 16 | The backup set in file _ls- was created by -hs and cannot be used for this restore operation_ |
3136 | 16 | This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state_ |
3143 | 16 | The data set on device _ls- is not a SQL Server backup set_ |
3144 | 16 | File __*ls- was not backed up in file -d on device _ls-_ The file cannot be restored from this backup set_ |
3147 | 16 | Backup and restore operations are not allowed on database tempdb_ |
3154 | 16 | The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing _ls- database_ |
3155 | 16 | The RESTORE operation cannot proceed because one or more files have been added or dropped from the database since the backup set was created_ |
3159 | 16 | The tail of the log for the database -ls has not been backed up_ Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to backup the log if it contains work you do not want to lose_ Use the WITH REPLACE or WITH STOPAT clause of the RESTORE statement to just overwrite the contents of the log_ |
3168 | 16 | The backup of the system database on the device -ls cannot be restored because it was created by a different version of the server (-ls) than this server (-ls)_ |
3169 | 16 | The database was backed up on a server running version -ls_ That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version -ls_ Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server_ |
3173 | 16 | The STOPAT clause provided with this RESTORE statement indicates that the tail of the log contains changes that must be backed up to reach the target point in time_ The tail of the log for the database -ls has not been backed up_ Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to back up the log, or use the WITH REPLACE clause in your RESTORE statement to overwrite the tail of the log_ |
3178 | 16 | File -ls is not in the correct state to have this differential backup applied to it_ |
3180 | 16 | This backup cannot be restored using WITH STANDBY because a database upgrade is needed_ Reissue the RESTORE without WITH STANDBY_ |
3182 | 16 | The backup set cannot be restored because the database was damaged when the backup occurred_ Salvage attempts may exploit WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR_ |
3183 | 16 | RESTORE detected an error on page (-d:-d) in database -ls as read from the backup set_ |
3185 | 16 | RESTORE cannot apply this backup set because the database is suspect_ Restore a backup set that repairs the damage_ |
3186 | 16 | The backup set has been damaged_ RESTORE will not attempt to apply this backup set_ |
3187 | 16 | RESTORE WITH CHECKSUM cannot be specified because the backup set does not contain checksum information_ |
3189 | 16 | Damage to the backup set was detected_ |
3190 | 16 | Filegroup _ls- cannot be restored because it does not exist in the backup set_ |
3195 | 16 | Page -S_PGID cannot be restored from this backup set_ RESTORE PAGE can only be used from full backup sets or from the first log or differential backup taken since the file was added to the database_ |
3196 | 16 | RESTORE master WITH SNAPSHOT is not supported_ To restore master from a snapshot backup, stop the service and copy the data and log file_ |
3201 | 16 | Cannot open backup device _ls-_ Operating system error -ls_ |
3204 | 16 | The backup or restore was aborted_ |
3205 | 16 | Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only -d are allowed_ |
3206 | 16 | No entry in sysdevices for backup device __*ls-_ Update sysdevices and rerun statement_ |
3207 | 16 | Backup or restore requires at least one backup device_ Rerun your statement specifying a backup device_ |
3208 | 16 | Unexpected end of file while reading beginning of backup set_ Confirm that the media contains a valid SQL Server backup set, and see the console error log for more details_ |
3214 | 16 | Too many backup mirrors are specified_ Only -d are allowed_ |
3215 | 16 | Use WITH FORMAT to create a new mirrored backup set_ |
3218 | 16 | Backup mirroring is not available in this edition of SQL Server_ See Books Online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions_ |
3227 | 16 | The backup media on -ls is part of media family -d which has already been processed on -ls_ Ensure that backup devices are correctly specified_ For tape devices, ensure that the correct volumes are loaded_ |
3231 | 16 | The media loaded on -ls is formatted to support -d media families, but -d media families are expected according to the backup device specification_ |
3232 | 16 | The volume mounted on -ls does not have the expected backup set identity_ The volume may be obsolete due to a more recent overwrite of this media family_ In that case, locate the correct volume with sequence number -d of media family -d_ |
3239 | 16 | The backup set on device _ls- uses a feature of the Microsoft Tape Format not supported by SQL Server_ |
3240 | 16 | Backup to mirrored media sets requires all mirrors to append_ Provide all members of the set, or reformat a new media set_ |
3242 | 16 | The file on device _ls- is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set_ |
3249 | 16 | The volume on device _ls- is a continuation volume for the backup set_ Remove it and insert the volume holding the start of the backup set_ |
3255 | 16 | The data set on device _ls- is a SQL Server backup set not compatible with this version of SQL Server_ |
3256 | 16 | The backup set on device _ls- was terminated while it was being created and is incomplete_ RESTORE sequence is terminated abnormally_ |
3258 | 16 | The volume on the device -ls is not part of the media set that is currently being processed_ Ensure that the backup devices are loaded with the correct media_ |
3259 | 16 | The volume on device _ls- is not part of a multiple family media set_ BACKUP WITH FORMAT can be used to form a new media set_ |
3265 | 16 | The login has insufficient authority_ Membership of the sysadmin role is required to use VIRTUAL_DEVICE with BACKUP or RESTORE_ |
3266 | 16 | The backup data at the end of -ls is incorrectly formatted_ Backup sets on the media might be damaged and unusable_ To determine the backup sets on the media, use RESTORE HEADERONLY_ To determine the usability of the backup sets, run RESTORE VERIFYONLY_ If all of the backup sets are incomplete, reformat the media using BACKUP WITH FORMAT, which destroys all the backup sets_ |
3268 | 16 | Cannot use the backup file _ls- because it was originally formatted with sector size -d and is now on a device with sector size -d_ |
3273 | 16 | The BUFFERCOUNT parameter must supply a value that allows at least one buffer per backup device_ |
3276 | 16 | WITH SNAPSHOT can be used only if the backup set was created WITH SNAPSHOT_ |
3280 | 16 | Backups on raw devices are not supported_ _ls- is a raw device_ |
4202 | 16 | BACKUP LOG is not possible because bulk logged changes exist in the database and one or more filegroups are unavailable_ |
4208 | 16 | The statement -hs is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE_ Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE_ |
4212 | 16 | Cannot back up the log of the master database_ Use BACKUP DATABASE instead_ |
4214 | 16 | BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup_ |
4218 | 16 | Bulk-logged operations exist in the database_ Perform a BACKUP LOG_ |
4305 | 16 | The log in this backup set begins at LSN -_*ls, which is too recent to apply to the database_ An earlier log backup that includes LSN -_*ls can be restored_ |
4311 | 16 | RESTORE PAGE is not allowed from backups taken with earlier versions of SQL Server_ |
4312 | 16 | This log cannot be restored because a gap in the log chain was created_ Use more recent data backups to bridge the gap_ |
4319 | 16 | A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file _ls-_ Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence_ |
4320 | 16 | The file -ls was not fully restored by a database or file restore_ The entire file must be successfully restored before applying this backup set_ |
4326 | 16 | The log in this backup set terminates at LSN -_*ls, which is too early to apply to the database_ A more recent log backup that includes LSN -_*ls can be restored_ |
4327 | 16 | The log in this backup set contains bulk-logged changes_ Point-in-time recovery was inhibited_ The database has been rolled forward to the end of the log_ |
4330 | 16 | This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database_ The recovery path is the sequence of data and log backups that have brought the database to a particular recovery point_ Find a compatible backup to restore, or restore the rest of the database to match a recovery point within this backup set, which will restore the database to a different point in time_ For more information about recovery paths, see SQL Server Books Online_ |
4338 | 16 | The STOPAT clause specifies a point too early to allow this backup set to be restored_ Choose a different stop point or use RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY to recover at the current point_ |
4341 | 16 | This log backup contains bulk-logged changes_ It cannot be used to stop at an arbitrary point in time_ |
4343 | 16 | The database has been rolled forward to the end of this backup set and beyond the specified point in time_ RESTORE WITH RECOVERY can be used to accept the current recovery point_ |
4348 | 16 | The online restore to database _ls- failed_ It may be appropriate to perform an offline restore instead_ An offline restore is initiated by using BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY_ |
4349 | 16 | The log in this backup set begins at LSN -_*ls, which is too recent to apply to the database_ This restore sequence needs to initialize the log to start at LSN -_*ls_ Reissue the RESTORE LOG statement using an earlier log backup_ |
4351 | 16 | Backups taken on earlier versions of SQL Server are not supported by fn_dump_dblog_ |
5173 | 16 | One or more files do not match the primary file of the database_ If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files_ If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup_ |
5250 | 16 | Database error: -ls page -S_PGID for database __*ls- (database ID -d) is invalid_ This error cannot be repaired_ You must restore from backup_ |
7694 | 16 | Failed to pause catalog for backup_ Backup was aborted_ |
7695 | 16 | Operation failed_ Full-text catalog backup in progress_ Retry after backup operation has completed_ |
8309 | 16 | BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY or WITH NO_LOG is deprecated_ The simple recovery model should be used to automatically truncate the transaction log_ |
8463 | 16 | Failed to read the message body while marshaling a message_ This message is a symptom of another problem_ Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages and address the underlying problem_ If the problem persists, the database may be damaged_ To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup_ If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB_ Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data to repair the database_ |
8477 | 16 | An internal Service Broker error occurred (error = 0x-08x)_ This error indicates a serious problem with SQL Server_ Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information pointing to possible hardware problems_ The database may have been damaged_ To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup_ If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB_ Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data to repair the database_ |
8930 | 16 | Database error: Database -d has inconsistent metadata_ This error cannot be repaired and prevents further DBCC processing_ Please restore from a backup_ |
9715 | 16 | The conversation endpoint with conversation handle _ls- is in an inconsistent state_ Check the SQL Server error logs and the Windows event logs for information on possible hardware problems_ To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup_ If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB_ Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data_ |
14052 | 16 | The @sync_type parameter value must be automatic, none, replication support only, initialize with backup, or initialize from lsn_ |
14418 | 16 | The specified @backup_file_name was not created from database _s-_ |
14419 | 16 | The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup_ |
14420 | 16 | The log shipping primary database -s_-s has backup threshold of -d minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for -d minutes_ Check agent log and logshipping monitor information_ |
14450 | 16 | The specified @backup_file_name was not taken from database _s-_ |
14451 | 16 | The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup_ |
15012 | 16 | The device _s- does not exist_ Use sys_backup_devices to show available devices_ |
15044 | 16 | The type -s is an unknown backup device type_ Use the type disk or tape_ |
15061 | 16 | The add device request was denied_ A physical device named -s already exists_ Only one backup device may refer to any physical device name_ |
17208 | 16 | -s: File _s- has an incorrect size_ It is listed as -d MB, but should be -d MB_ Diagnose and correct disk failures, and restore the database from backup_ |
17557 | 16 | DBCC DBRECOVER failed for database ID -d_ Restore the database from a backup_ |
18204 | 16 | -s: Backup device _s- failed to -s_ Operating system error -s_ |
18210 | 16 | -s: -s failure on backup device _s-_ Operating system error -s_ |
18273 | 16 | Could not clear _s- bitmap in database _s- because of error -d_ As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap overstates the amount of change that will occur with the next differential or log backup_ This discrepancy might slow down later differential or log backup operations and cause the backup sets to be larger than necessary_ Typically, the cause of this error is insufficient resources_ Investigate the failure and resolve the cause_ If the error occurred on a data backup, consider taking a data backup to create a new base for future differential backups_ |
18781 | 16 | The value of the @backupdevicetype parameter must be one of -logical-, -disk-, or -tape-_ |
18782 | 16 | Could not locate backup header information for database _s- in the specified backup device_ |
18786 | 16 | The specified publication does not allow initialize with backup_ |
18787 | 16 | Support for initialize with backup can not be enabled for Snapshot publications_ |
18790 | 16 | Support for initialize with backup can not be enabled for non-SQL Server Publishers_ |
18846 | 16 | Possible inconsistent state in distribution db: dist_backup_lsn {-08lx:-08lx:-04lx}, dist_last_lsn {-08lx:-08lx:-04lx}_ |
21333 | 16 | A generation was expected to be found in -s_dbo_MSmerge_genhistory, but was not there_ If this database is a subscriber, a reinit is recommended_ If it is a publisher, a restore from backup is recommended_ |
21397 | 16 | The transactions required for synchronizing the nosync subscription created from the specified backup are unavailable at the Distributor_ Retry the operation again with a more up-to-date log, differential, or full database backup_ |
21407 | 16 | The entire publication must be subscribed at once when setting up an -initialize with backup- subscription_ |
1522 | 20 | Sort operation failed during an index build_ The overwriting of the allocation page in database __*ls- was prevented by terminating the sort_ Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for allocation and consistency errors_ It may be necessary restore the database from backup_ |
7909 | 20 | The emergency-mode repair failed_You must restore from backup_ |
9003 | 20 | The log scan number -S_LSN passed to log scan in database __*ls- is not valid_ This error may indicate data corruption or that the log file (_ldf) does not match the data file (_mdf)_ If this error occurred during replication, re-create the publication_ Otherwise, restore from backup if the problem results in a failure during startup_ |
3301 | 21 | The transaction log contains a record (logop -d) that is not valid_ The log has been corrupted_ Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database_ |
3313 | 21 | During redoing of a logged operation in database __*ls-, an error occurred at log record ID -S_LSN_ Typically, the specific failure is previously logged as an error in the Windows Event Log service_ Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database_ |
3314 | 21 | During undoing of a logged operation in database __*ls-, an error occurred at log record ID -S_LSN_ Typically, the specific failure is logged previously as an error in the Windows Event Log service_ Restore the database or file from a backup, or repair the database_ |
3315 | 21 | During rollback, the following process did not hold an expected lock: process -d with mode -d at level -d for row -S_RID in database __*ls- under transaction -S_XID_ Restore a backup of the database, or repair the database_ |
3316 | 21 | During undo of a logged operation in database __*ls-, an error occurred at log record ID -S_LSN_ The row was not found_ Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database_ |
3417 | 21 | Cannot recover the master database_ SQL Server is unable to run_ Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild it_ For more information about how to rebuild the master database, see SQL Server Books Online_ |
3431 | 21 | Could not recover database __*ls- (database ID -d) because of unresolved transaction outcomes_ Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transactions were prepared, but MS DTC was unable to determine the resolution_ To resolve, either fix MS DTC, restore from a full backup, or repair the database_ |
3443 | 21 | Database __*ls- (database ID -d) was marked for standby or read-only use, but has been modified_ The RESTORE LOG statement cannot be performed_ Restore the database from a backup_ |
3456 | 21 | Could not redo log record -S_LSN, for transaction ID -S_XID, on page -S_PGID, database __*ls- (database ID -d)_ Page: LSN = -S_LSN, type = -ld_ Log: OpCode = -ld, context -ld, PrevPageLSN: -S_LSN_ Restore from a backup of the database, or repair the database_ |
9004 | 21 | An error occurred while processing the log for database __*ls-_ If possible, restore from backup_ If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log_ |